Wow vanilla depth class shaman
Wow vanilla depth class shaman

wow vanilla depth class shaman

Feral Spirits should last 30 seconds, not 20 (assuming the wolves do not heal the shaman and have no charge ability) AND they need to be immune to spells like frost nova, and have a relatively short cooldown (below 5 minutes).Ģ. In regards to the new shaman racial spells, i only have this to say:ġ. Note that i am not saying BOTH of these changes should be implemented, but one or the other at the least. a gap closer for PVP is desperately needed, be it a warrior-like charge ability or a druidification of Ghost Wolf.Īnd by that i mean in regards to the idea of a charge ability, this needs to work much like intercept - usable in combat with a root/slow removal on use along with immunity to such spells and effects for 2-4 seconds on use with a 15-20 second cooldown, and in case of a "druidification" of ghost wolf have it be instant cast (when talented) and make it remove poly/root/slow effects when used and make it undispellable - bump the mana cost up accordingly. i know this sounds extreme, but if you walk a day in the shoes of an enh shaman you'll know why either of these changes are needed.Ĥ. the easiest way to go about this is to implement dual wield for enhancement shamans and/or the ability to equip plate. Personal DPS MUST see an increase for them to be viable in PVE content. They desperately need mana sustain talents/spells like Shamanistic Rage from TBC.ģ. Bloodlust needs to affect their whole party, even if its the nerfed version of the spell as proposed here (half duration and half effect) that would at least incentivize people to give them a raid spot.Ģ. To buff enhancement to the point of being viable in vanilla some fundamental changes are needed ġ. Stormstrike rank 2 is a step in the right direction, but its still not enough to justify bringing an enhancement shaman as due to the debuff cap enh shamans will usually not be allowed to even use stormstrike as it might overwrite more important debuffs such as ignite. Same goes for the lightning shield on allies which will only serve to further nerf the shaman's personal dps output and is really more of a restoration shaman buff than an enhancement shaman buff, and from what i have heard the allied LS doesn't even generate threat for the target its cast on, which would have been the one saving grace to this talent as you can now further help tanks generate aggro. Yes, you can argue that they can bloodlust themselves, but we all know that this will never be the case as this buff is put to much better use on a meta class like a warrior dps, a mage, or a tank, or even a healer. You're just giving enhancement shamans even more utility that will be used on party members rather than fixing their core issues which is mana sustain and personal dps output. Then i scroll down to the shaman changes and while i am intrigued by the new racials (which i will get back to later) i think the changes to i.e enhancement is incredibly underwhelming compared to the changes made to every other "meme" spec on this list. all you had to do was buff retri and prot and leave holy alone. Then i have a look at the paladin buffs which are all also pretty good and well intended, i can't really argue against the retri paladin buffs but honestly, holy paladin does NOT need any buffs whatsoever, i think you're making a grave mistake by buffing the "meta" paladin spec even further. you are giving feral druids access to swiftmend for example, and you're implementing tree of life and moonkin form into vanilla along with some really generous buffs to those forms. TLDR - Warriors were too powerful in Vanilla while Ret/Prot Paladins were not given enough proper tools to live up to the vision players had going in to the game and playing the class specifically.So i have read the changes in depth now, and it seems like a good effort overall, but there is a "however" here.įrom what i can tell you are overbuffing druids of all specs. Morhaime/Brack Blizz President News – 2:14:45.Changes or No Changes Coming To Classic – 1:40:40.

wow vanilla depth class shaman

  • Having Items Named After You In Game – 1:35:40.
  • Other MMO Inspirations/Concepts Kevin Liked – 1:19:25.
  • Would You Change Anything With Hybrids – 49:10.
  • Technical Limitations Cutting Content – 42:30.
  • Things That Hit The Cutting Room Floor – 31:25.
  • Designing Talents + Talent Trees – 17:40.
  • State of WoW/Blizz When Kevin Arrived – 11:45.
  • Working With Blizz Personalities – 8:00.
  • Here is C2C’s original interview with Kevin Jordan from last year:

    Wow vanilla depth class shaman